In the previous post, many said tht it is a passing phase n also the ‘grass is greener on other side’ feeling. I agree to tht, but yet I would like to say tht blaming engineering does not mean I did not enjoy those four years. It was one of the best phases of my life. Apart frm the gud frnds I made in this time I value these four years as discovering myself. I was not shy but introvert by nature in school. But conscious efforts frm my side n a nice grp of frnds has definitely transformed me into an extrovert. Not tht I was not social earlier but there has been a distinct transformation in me in a positive way. So for some of u .. engineering is gud.. fine? Now u can sleep peacefully :P. Also, someone pointed tht I need to find a gal so tht I won’t be stressed.. lollzz. I would luv to take this advice n start searching for a gal. But being lazy I would prefer to print some ads’ n let the gal come over here instead :D Any creative lines.. not pickup lines.. for the ads’ are welcome.. he he. My tennis partner Kunal is leaving for US this weekend to pursue higher studies. So tht means ‘The Sunday Tennis’ comes to an end until I find a new partner. Also, a few frnd frm my grp already left abroad in the past two weeks or so. Now m seriously wondering wht I would be doing over the weekend n whom to hang out with. Whts the use of sexy sunglasses if u don’t have anyone to hang out with.. lol. I guess the ‘gal’ thing shld be seriously considered now. Don’t be surprised if u get to see hoardings for the gal-search all over Pune. I will keep in mind to make those in english n not in marathi otherwise I will be the first one to take a tumble again.. ha ha.
Watched ‘The Game’ movie over last 2-3 days. It features Michael Douglas, don’t know if it is new or old. But if tht thing (a prank) happens to someone in real life, I doubt he will survive till the end.. the movie’s end not his end. I got myself new headphones in office.. the earlier ones had started to function well again suddenly but again gave problems last week. For a few reasons I have fallen in luv with 2 songs right now. They have been playing in loop since a few days. One is Lucky Ali’s Tu Kaun Hai and other one Pyaar Ke Naam by Bombay Vikings. Interestingly, both songs when used in movies are more melodious. I guess m correct or it’s only me thinking tht way. A few lines of the first song are:
Kahaan se tu aati hain kahaan ko tu jaati hain
Sapnon ko sajaati hain apnon ko le jaati hain
Baagon mein jab behti hain kaanon mein kuch kehti hain
Aati hain nazar nahin saanson mein par rehti hain
Hawa hain pawan hain vayu hain purwai hain
Jeevan hain jaan hain ya parchai hain
Dene aayi hain ya kuch mere liye layi hain
Puchu na main kya tuzhse kahanse tu aayi, tu kaun hain
Sapnon ko sajaati hain apnon ko le jaati hain
Baagon mein jab behti hain kaanon mein kuch kehti hain
Aati hain nazar nahin saanson mein par rehti hain
Hawa hain pawan hain vayu hain purwai hain
Jeevan hain jaan hain ya parchai hain
Dene aayi hain ya kuch mere liye layi hain
Puchu na main kya tuzhse kahanse tu aayi, tu kaun hain
Tu kaun hain Tu kaun hain Tu kaun hain
The *tu kaun hain* line doesnt fail to make me think every time i hear it. The second song’s lyrics are put up in the scrolling line on header. Have a superb weekend all of u!
Me first
Yo Dude! Now tell me smthg....y hv u put that "I m such an innocent boy" pic there? Well, Ishi almost fell off the chair the 1st time she heard me say that as I belive she has been saying that too... Change it! Smthg more cool and no moon walks (ref 2 ur post) pls LOL
Sudeep bala, savdhan (careful) & lakshya (attention) is all u need on Indian roads. Mala Marathi khoop avadte bala....
Ok, here's what you have to do. Finf a girl. Then you can play tennis with her AND just hang out afterwards. Kills two birds with one stone.
I think it's cool how regular people get out and direct traffic. You wouldn't see that here.
And potholes suck. The gov't needs to do their job and fix them. But they can't seem to manage that here either.
Hope you're ok, but lolz at the pothole story..My suggestion to the students have a sign in english as well, easier to spot..
Sorry about the horrid traffic situation there.
Will look for those songs myself.
Maybe you need a girl, and maybe you need some project (non work related) or something to occupy your time and take away the restless feeling..
Neways I am sure u will find your way through...
@Suchi: Congo for the gold..
Arre jaisa hoga waisa hi pic aayega na :).. i bet Ishi told u to say this.. :D
pudchya veles purna padun de tila khurchi varun .. he he.. now dont translate this to her
when u stay in bombay for so many yrs u have to luv marathi..
@Sean: yep.. i thought of it n did go around a few tennis courts in the city to interview a few potential partners :D
when the govt machinery fails it is upto the citizens to come forward
@Aditi: yep.. now used to the potholes tht it didnt hurt much
so many maybes' reminded me of another song.. :)
i hope so..
@Kalpz: aint i happy tht u r not around :D
i would luv to go abroad.. not for MS though.. pan vichar aahe.. time will tell.. might be a gal who plays tennis n lives in US too.. he he
lol @ the line.. pori palun jaatil tya rastyavarun
Me Marathi vachun sakto aani mala marathi likhu pan maala marthi aavdte ki naahi hey aamla yehth naahi.
English now ...
I hope thats ok.My mrathi is a bit rusty but learning was a nightmare.
Me thinking about get the songs from "Rulez" good song.
Yes man now a days people are just happy to leave for US no matter what the score in GRE.I have now close friends with ordinary scores leaving happily for decent colleges there.
Tennis, US open begins in 10 days.
Dont mail me the whole list of proxy servers, just comment on my blog (:D)
Mail is banned in office.
Also tell me what changes do I have to place in my browser coz i think some changes are to be made in browser too.I use bnoth IE as well as FF.
...praise the good example made by the students there, if ur late readin' what was written on the placards, goshh! but maybe u got hurt fallin' down on the road. I can imagine now how will be the scenario if anyone ignored what was written there on the banner... quite scary na ;(;(
..thank God ur safe!
... u take care driving dear!
... ** someone pointed tht I need to find a gal so tht I won’t be stressed.. lollzz. I would luv to take this advice n start searching for a gal. **
.... yeah, u should seriously considered that now ^_^ trust me everything would be fine if u have someone beside u givin' u inspiration hehe... :P
... sad to hear that some of ur friends who u usually hang-out on weekend leaved for abroad now ;( dun worry dear u have lots of friends around... just knock hehe... ^_^ and cheer up! i can listen to u but sorry i cant play tennis w/ ya :P ... come here in Tokyo so i can make it possible ^_^
... have a great weekend sweetie and smile! muaahh!
sorry wrong typo, i deleted the comment ^_^
translate what to her???? huh...even my dance instructor goes on and on in marathi...:(...i don understand a thing!
and no i didn't tell her to tell u that...that was her natural reaction to d pic!!! hmmmmm!
and tell u what...i like d pic a lot tho i still say it's not a true picture of who u are...
the fallin into d pothole bit was funny :D but u didn't get hurt bad na? no continuing aches and pains toh?...just be careful...
*enuff of mommy like talk*
acchaa billboards for the girl hunt huh?? the image of a billboard wid ur innocent pic (!!) in english and with big bold words just flashed thru my mind...lolz...kaash tum sahi mei try karte...it wld be such a sight! :)
a lot of guys wld tell u that u're fine on ur own...girls just complicate ur life further...I'd just say when u luk arnd too much, u tend to miss the obvious choices...
and with that bit of advice, i'm off to do a tag...(ws tempted to tag u but saved it for the girls in my list!)...
tk care...keep smiling...g'nitee!!
Should you use the "would you like to play with my fuzzy balls? Tennis balls thatt is.." joke, or is that too much?
awesome post man!!!!!!!!
a m rollin' with laughter!!!!
nice post sudeepji:)
I can totally understand that potholke thing!have to suffer that everyday! lucki;y my mode of transport has changed to car...so comparitively better days!
about engg...u know, i can say tha same as u...not the extrovert part...I was always very loud to be shy:) but i made some great frnds and I learnt so much! they are not quite a waste as such...
hmn...sudeep needs a gal now:) don't worry, I will try my matchmakin skills on u now! rest assured that u will find someone:)hehhe...and yes, tell me wen to start directin my frnds to ur posters...
it's only love that i want to hold on to and forever make it stay....nice:) hope u find that girl sudeep!
Tht was real funny man :)..
Hope they had kids waiting to hand a towel once ppl get up from the water in the pot hole :)
"Game" is slick..bluffmaster's climax jump from the building was sort of inspired by this movie, I think.
Also, good luck with the mooon walks :)
oh god!!such an ironical situation..its the placards which eventually landed u in the potholes!!:-(
Hope ur doing fine...hale and hearty!
LOL @first part!
**Also, someone pointed tht I need to find a gal so tht I won’t be stressed
so ur gonna find her? apart from sun-glasses what else u need in her? lol!
lol..tht was funny ;)
i was an introvert too... i still am in many ways :-)
Good post, Sudeep. I cud relate to the situations at the same time it was utterly funny. So u r looking for a girl,eh? Why don't u put up hoardings all around girls hostels with your name, contact no. and address with a big bold GIRLS,TRY ME. I'm sure u'd get more than your share of GFs, tennis partners and GIRLs wid COOL SHADES...hee,hee!! But honestly, if you dont mind sounding tooooo desperate, that is....
@Tarun: m still laughing at wht u wrote in marathi..
yeah here too low scorers have got gud colleges.. seems the talented layer like u n me will be looking after our country ;)
will comment the list tomo..
@Kathy: i read the whole thing after bumping in the hole.. if ppl dont read it they will pay attn to the road :)
lol.. m not serious 'bout finding someone.. m gud with wht m currently
sure.. u got gud tennis courts in Tokyo?
@Ishita: tht was dont translate.. okk fine due to force frm Yashita, u n suchi m compelled to change my pic.. but i dont have one now
i did not fall in baba.. just went down into the hole n came up frm the other side.. lol
i would agree with those guys for the time being..
i will do the tag in the Tag Season 2 :D
@Gaurav: hey .. welcome here :)
yeah man.. as silly as it sounds but it happened :(
c ya arnd..
@Sean: Why add the tennis balls part to it? lollzz..
@Ketki: thnx... :)
@Yashita: lol @ ji part
car.. kya baat hain.. u can pick me up frm home n drop to my office na? plz :)
i wasnt shy.. but agreed on the frnds part
on u now ..let me meet the person/s whom u tried on b4.. then will give u rights :D
Glad your pot hole experience was not any worse. But then again the irony was that you fell in to the pothole cos of those darn distracting signs!
@Uday: lol @ towel part
luckily we had 2 days of sunshine n the hole was completely dry..
ohh yeah i never thought of tht jump in this way..
thnx for dropping by.. c ya arnd
@Ekta: yeah.. life is an irony itself..lol
arre nah.. i didnt fall off the bike
@Shakhi: hey i wanted to ask u this.. ur spelling's first h is xtra? is it meant to be sakhi.. anyways nice name u got :)
now for the comment reply..
lucky ali's song is frm album Aks n used in Bhopal Express movie.. i agree with the lyrics part of Rules song
@Keshi: well i said na tht i want her to wear only sunglasses.. nothing else :P
jokes apart.. she shld read my Perfect Lover tag for details..lol
btw, m not searching for anyone
@Neha: thnx..
really.. dont seem so.. try to get outta it soon
@Priyanka: lol @ the TRY ME line..
nah m not searching rt now.. if ever i plan to will use tht coz by tht time i might have got despo.. lol
@Sanjay: yep.. at least i did not fall off the bike or bang into other vehicle
only sunglasses and no nickers even? lol greatttttttt hahahahaha!
gotta read that tag now ;-)
Arey Shuddeepu baby needs a girl!!And that too Pune wali..otherwise....Bangalore...Neha....*clearing throat*
I love the LUcky Ali song..its dark and nice...in fact I love most of his songs!!The other BV songs yaad nahin aa raha..but am sure, must have heard this song!
The game is nice...I loved it!!Saw Boys dont cry last night..loved it :)
potholes here n every rainy season Pune is compared to the moon drawing a comparison of the potholes and craters over there.
Brilliant comparison! :-)
... ** u got gud tennis courts in Tokyo? **
... yeah, there's a good tennis court and bowling lane nearby ^_^ only 10 mins. walk from home.
... so packed ur things now sudeepuuuu, ill wait for ya in my tennis uniform lol!! :P
come ASAP!!! ^_^
@Keshi: ;))
@Neha: ha ha.. Achint se mujhe pitvane ka irada hain kya?
yes.. there is a certain depth in tht song.. BV wala is also in Rules movie
havent seen BDC yet
@Vibhor: hey welcome here..
not sundeep it is sudeep :)
sorry for ur frnd's leg.. moral of story: daydreams n posters make one fall in potholes
c ya arnd
@Sreejith: thnx.. but this comparison came frm a foreign investor who was in Pune.. so it was kinda shameful for the industry who had arranged his visit
@Kathy: bowling alley too.. gr8
Keshi was telling the other day tht she luvs bowling.. lol.. so the venue for bloggers' meet is changed to Tokyo frm Pune.. ha ha
someone's shy lol!
Re: Sudeep
but this comparison came frm a foreign investor who was in Pune.. so it was kinda shameful for the industry who had arranged his visit
@Keshi: who is shy?
@Sreejith: :)
u :)
lol, give me rights and all hnh? hey don't u dare doubt my matchmakin skills!!! I ahve got mnay a successful couples together! and am very good at it!:p
so u are missin a lot sir!:p
@Keshi: me?? nope... wht made u think tht?
@Yashita: if its true i hope those couples are still together.. let me know when n how to enroll in ur bureau ;)
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