Saturday, July 02, 2005

Wht to feel?

Woke up n saw this pic on the frontpage of The Indian Express... first had a good laugh n then felt a slight sympathy for tht poor constable carrying his superior. The news bulletins r showing reports of flash floods in Gujarat... this state is destined to remain in headlines for all the wrong reasons


Anonymous said...

all sympathys to the constable. this shows how mean can anyone get!

Sudeep said...

True... but whenevr I see this pic... i can't control my urge to laugh... see the superior's face... it is so funny

sai thilak said...

this pic shows superiors "bla bla" but what if superior is in trouble with something....

Sudeep said...

I also thought on the same lines first.. but another article in the same ppr tells tht the superior is hale n hearty... Now his superior has initiated a probe against him.. I wonder how many probes r running now in India.. n their end.. no prizes for guessing

Anonymous said...

Another update: The person sitting on top says tht due to a 10 yr old bullet injury, the junior had volunteered to carry him. Yet, he got transferred yesterday