windows we have never opened
hands we have never held
dreams we shall never, never see again
lives we have never lived
hopes we have never realized
fires we have never lit
loves we shall never, never make again
sun in the earth, sunflower
bird in the air, rain
eye within eye, daybreak
i hear the strange whispers again
Baanwara mann dekhne chala ek sapna
A nice track from the movie Hazaaron Khwaahishen Aisi. It does take a lot courage, hard work and patience to achieve one’s dreams but I think it needs more courage just to dream. To dream what seems unachievable. Pushing yourself to the next level when you know you just can’t go any further. I am not sure who quoted this but a wonderful quote:
Dream is not what you see in sleep. It is the thing which does not let you sleep.
Baanwara or not keep on dreaming and keep faith that one day you will achieve them no matter what the entire universe advises you.