Saturday, June 14, 2008

Life is a dilemma

The mystery gets solved. The dilemma is dealt with. The choice is made. Neo is happy. And then comes another crossing and another fear. The Oracle says life is always full of dilemmas and crossings, it is just that we concentrate on one or two, which we feel are the important ones out of the whole lot.
I was never ever tensed in my life as today. Pray for me.


teacup said...

hmnn...I don;t know what this "dilemma" is, but all the best! hope you come out of it as a happy man :)

Tarun said...

Me concerned more about the dilemma than praying for you.
It will be "good" to know what the dilemma is really about.
I suggest u focus on what needs to be done.

PrAcHi said...

Dilemma.. is difficult always.. Just take deep breath, make ur decision and stick to it. Don’t think too much. And don’t try to understand everything and everyone. And remember that you cant make EVERYone happy! May be it’s selfish.. But think abt YOUR happiness.. And mystery will be solved soon! Life will be good soon.. Few days of tension and u will have the wonderful life ahead, which will be YOURS!
Take care.. And keep smiling..

AnonymousBlogger said...

Oh Sudeep, you big tease, you must update us on this dilemma. Maybe we can help?